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Haz 12

Festival de Cuancín, Album release Wooden Constructions.

The Wooden Constructions, De Jagers ve 2 daha fazla sanatçı ile Melkweg mekanında

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Salı 12 Haziran 2012 tarihinde 20:00mekanında


Lijnbaansgracht 234a, Amsterdam, 1017 PH, Netherlands

Tel: +31-(0)20-5318181


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On June 12, 1987 Pablo Cuancín - the first and hitherto only Mexican astronaut who has ever been in space - died in complete oblivion from the consequences of a heart attack.

In the summer of 2006, Gover Meit and Raúl Inzaurralde traveled through Mexico. On this trip they visited Hidalgo (Monclova), the birthplace of Cuancín, where the local population revealed a glimpse of Cuancín’s remarkable legacy.

Pablo Cuancín had a great passion for dance. Once he experienced weightlessness during a spaceflight, he decided to follow his heart and become a choreographer. Back on Earth, Cuancín made one dance that withstood the test of time and to this day lives in Monclova:

"El Luchador Escorpión"

Meit and Inzaurralde and were so impressed with this maniacal spacedance that one year later, together with Joost Luub and Ernest Mistiaen, they started the band


On June 12, 2012, on the 25th anniversary of Cuancín’s death, WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONS commemorates and celebrates this intriguing Mexican with a FESTIVAL DE CUANCÍN in and around the theater of the Melkweg // Amsterdam.

On this evening WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONS will present its debut album PEOPLE NOW PEOPLE. The album was inspired by the dances and the life of Cuancín, and reveals his life one song at a time.

Other acts on the FESTIVAL DE CUANCÍN will include Dutch literary collective DE JAGERS (with authors STERRE VAN ROSSEM, MAURICE SELEKY and MARJOLIJN VAN HEEMSTRA), DANCERS from outerspace and DJ TAKKIE.

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